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ALA Washington 5

Today its Sunday. I'am in Washington participating in American Library Association Annual Conference. Today I will participate in a series of interesting presentations.

I will start the day 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

PR Forum: Next practices in communications @your library
In 2007, Stephen Abram spoke before a crowd of 350 people at the PR Forum about Library 2.0. But what’s next? Attend this session to hear his ideas on the role of social networking in library marketing and communications and on the new skills and competencies that library PR folks need. The PR Forum is an annual program for library public relations and marketing
professionals, coordinated by the ALA PR Assembly.

Open to Change: Open Source and Next Generation ILS and ERMS
Join us in thinking outside the out-of-the-box, proprietary ILS or ERM as the members of this panel discuss the latest developments in open source library applications. Although much attention has been paid to the promise of open source and new technologies for the OPAC, this panel will shed light on how next-generation technology, open source projects, and the widespread sharing of home-grown solutions can help change the game in acquisitions
and e-resource management.
Speakers: Galadriel Chilton, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Electronic
Resources Librarian; Bill Erickson, Equinox Software, VP of Software Development
& Integration; Joshua Ferraro, LibLime, CEO; Robert H. McDonald,
Indiana University, Associate Dean for Library Technologies & Executive Director,
Kuali OLE

Sunday, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Mobile Devices, Libraries, and Public Policy

The mobile revolution is only accelerating with changing expectations by library patrons for service. But what is really distinctive about mobile computing for the library context? And what are the various legal and policy concerns around access to information in the digital age, including content ownership and licensing, digital rights management, reader privacy, and accessibility
for the disabled? This session will address these issues through the lens of a recently-published policy brief.

And then I think I will drop by and say hallo to Eppo, who I have met in Denmark and Finland.

Sunday, June 27, 2010, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Libraries Wanted: Dead or Alive
Featuring Eppo van Nispen tot Sevenaer
The story Eppo van Nispen will tell is inspiring for anyone who is interested in the future of libraries. During his talk he will take you on an inspirational trip through the universe and the future onto a new horizon. Eppo will give an enormous positive boost to your mindset on how to cope with that future. High paced, smart, funny and touching, he will reach you where people should reach each other; in your heart.
An inspirational speaker, Eppo van Nispen’s vision on the future of media and libraries is highly acclaimed by world leaders and visionaries. After a successful career in broadcasting, where he was among the first to work on interactive formats, he decided to dedicate his knowledge of media and how people use media to work on the future for libraries. Eppo started the DOK Library Concept Center in Delft, a small city near Amsterdam (the Netherlands) with one of the best technical universities in the world. DOK’s mission is to build the world’s most modern library. In 2008, DOK was designated by international experts as the
worldwide number one library in innovation. In 2009, they were appointed as the best library of the Netherlands.
This summer, Eppo will become the CEO of the national board for the (Dutch) book, known
as the CPNB. The CPNB is funded by publishers, booksellers, government and libraries and is lauded all over the world for its clever, carefully targeted programs for young people and adults.

Then I think we will call it a day and go out to eat at one of the many restaurants that Washington offers.


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