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Viser opslag fra juni, 2010

Når besparelserne rammer.....

I Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer skriver man den 28. juni 2010,at de lokale besparelser vækker bekymring i biblioteksforeningen og det har de sgu ret i. I artiklen skriver de at "Svage grupper rammes, når man skærer ned på biblioteksdriften... Danmarks Biblioteksforening er bekymret over, at en kulturby som Holstebro skærer ned på biblioteksdriften . »Hvis man skal spare, kan vi jo ikke stille noget op, men vi er meget kede af det,« siger Vagn Ytte Larsen, der er formand for Danmarks Biblioteksforening . Michel Steen-Hansen, der er direktør i Danmarks Biblioteksforening , peger på, at det kan blive slemt for de små samfund, når Holstebro Kommune nedlægger bogbussen. » Biblioteket er ofte det sidste offentlige, ikke-kommercielle rum, der er tilbage i lokalsamfundet, og lokalbefolkningen føler det identitetsskabende, at man kan gå der hen. Derfor har det stor betydning, når biblioteket lukkes, eller bogbussen indstilles,« siger Michel Steen-Hansen. Der findes ingen statistik over bogbus

Bibliotekschefer ser mørkt på fremtiden

På folkebibliotekerne forventer man flere lukninger af filialer, færre nye bøger og kortere åbningstider næste år, viser en rundspørge blandt bibliotekscheferne, som Berlingske Tidende har lavet. Jeg må stille mig selv hvor pessimistiske vi skal være? Skal vi ikke håbe på en politisk erkendelse af, at man ikke kan spare mere hvis vi fortsat skal udvikle vores samfund? I Berlingskes artikel citeres jeg da også for: I Danmarks Biblioteksforening deler man bekymringen, men tror på et større politisk fokus på bibliotekerne fremover. »Hvis der kommer store besparelser, vil det betyde et tab for videnssamfundet. Vi har at gøre med den største og mest besøgte kultur- og læringsinstitution, så derfor håber jeg ikke, at der er grund til pessimismen. Jeg ved godt, at krisen kradser, men jeg tror, at der er en politisk erkendelse af, at hvis vi skal udvikle vores videnssamfund, så er bibliotekerne en af indgangene til det,« siger Michael Steen-Hansen, direktør i Danmarks Biblioteksforening. Jeg k

E-books and Buildings - ALA Washington 8

Today it is our last day at American Library Association Annual Conference, whit full program. I will participate in . Monday, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. E-Books: How Do You Know It Was Worth It? Collection Management & Technical Services; Collection Development Models of ebook collection analysis continue to evolve. This program will provide a discussion of the different measures available to evaluate usage of ebooks as well as anticipated improvements desired to measure and evaluate the library’s investment in ebooks. Speakers: Terry Kirchner, Westchester Library System, Director; Christopher Warnock, Ebrary, CEO & CTO; Tom Wright, Brigham Young University, Collection Development Coordinator/Chair of Materials Acquisitions. I hope to get some advice on which e-book reader to choose. I myself have a Kendel and a Booke but I’am not convinces that either of them are the future . Monday 10.30-12.00 a.m. Got Data? New Roles for Libraries in Shaping 21st Research in the Information Age

Mobile Devices, Libraries, and Public Policy - ALA Washington 7

Today I also was to a workshop about Mobile Devices, Libraries, and Public Policy The Program: The mobile revolution is only accelerating with changing expectations by library patrons for service. But what is really distinctive about mobile computing for the library context? And what are the various legal and policy concerns around access to information in the digital age, including content ownership and licensing, digital rights management, reader privacy, and accessibility for the disabled? This session will address these issues through the lens of a recently-published policy brief. “There’s App for That!” is a report written by Timothy Vollmer, Sherwin Siy og Cody Hanson. “There’s an App for That! Libraries and Mobile Technology: An Introduction to Public Policy Considerations” takes a look at how the adoption of mobile technology alters the traditional relationships between libraries and their users. Today Timothy Vollmer, told of the challenges to reader privacy, issues of access

Open to Change: Open Source and Next Generation ILS and ERMS - ALA Washington 6

Today I was to a workshop about Open Source. “Join us in thinking outside the out-of-the-box, proprietary ILS or ERM as the members of this panel discuss the latest developments in open source library applications. Although much attention has been paid to the promise of open source and new technologies for the OPAC, this panel will shed light on how next-generation technology, open source projects, and the widespread sharing of home-grown solutions can help change the game in acquisitions and e-resource management. Speakers: Galadriel Chilton, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Electronic Resources Librarian; Bill Erickson, Equinox Software, VP of Software Development & Integration; Joshua Ferraro, LibLime, CEO; Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University, Associate Dean for Library Technologies & Executive Director, Kuali OLE” I will specifically, highlight Bill Erickson from Equinox Software He was talking about open source library systems. On their website, they tell “Equinox So

ALA Washington 5

Today its Sunday. I'am in Washington participating in American Library Association Annual Conference . Today I will participate in a series of interesting presentations. I will start the day 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. PR Forum: Next practices in communications @your library In 2007, Stephen Abram spoke before a crowd of 350 people at the PR Forum about Library 2.0. But what’s next? Attend this session to hear his ideas on the role of social networking in library marketing and communications and on the new skills and competencies that library PR folks need. The PR Forum is an annual program for library public relations and marketing professionals, coordinated by the ALA PR Assembly. Open to Change: Open Source and Next Generation ILS and ERMS Join us in thinking outside the out-of-the-box, proprietary ILS or ERM as the members of this panel discuss the latest developments in open source library applications. Although much attention has been paid to the promise of open source and new tec

Digital Activism - ALA Washington 4

Today I was to: Participatory Democracy in an Internet Age The 2008 elections were a potential watershed moment for the intersection of politics and the Internet. Candidates and voters connected in new ways reshaping campaign planning, discourse and politics. New mediumsof communication from the campaign trail, such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other social networking tools may radically alter U.S. democratic institutions, including how Americans get information about and interact with public officials. Learn how the Internet is transforming participation in the political process. Speakers: Julie Barko Germany, George Washington University, Director, Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet; David Karpf, Brown University, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Taubman Center for Public Policy I will specifically, highlight David Karpf for his points about how the Internet is transforming our media and political institutions – and how is affects the political organization. H

ALA 2010 konference i Washington 3 - lidt oplevelser

Når man vandrer rundt I Washington falder det i øjnene, at Amerikanske mænd stort set ikke går i sandaler. Så selvom der er en del myter om amerikanernes påklædning, må man sige, at mændene vælger anstændigt fodtøj, også selvom byen er præget af hedebølge med temperaturer op mod 40 grader. Så i den forbindelse kan de europæiske mænd lære noget. Jeg har de sidste dage været ude at gå morgentur rigtig tidlig, når byen er ved at vågne og temperaturen er i et niveau hvor man kan holde ud at bevæge sig. På sådanne morgenture oplever man den amerikanske hovedstad på en helt anden og stille vis, med næsten mennesketomme gader. Dog møder man en del letlevende kvinder, der tilsyneladende leder efter kunder omkring forretnings- og kongreskvarteret. Det er lidt mistrøstigt at opleve, at der er en så ”naturlig” sammenhæng mellem verdens ældste erhverv og mænd der deltager i kongresser. En ting mere jeg har bidt mærke i, er at en del cafeer kan lade deres borde og stole stå ude om natten, uden de e

American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference in Washington 2

I'am still participate in American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference in Washington June 24-29. Today I will participate in a series of interesting presentations. I will start the day with: Saturday 8.00 a.m -10.00 p.m Grassroot Program - Digital Initiative for College Libraries University libraries, museums, and commercial repositories have made great efforts to select, convert and make available, some of their collections through digital initiatives. How does such an initiative translate to smaller institutions, including colleges. What collection will give the library the biggest digitization bang for its buck? Currently, libraries are asked what their roll will be in such a fast paced technological world. Here is an opportunity for the library to demonstrate its worth during the transition from print. Speakers: David Dudek, Washington College, Information Commons Librarian Saturday, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ABOS What Is Outreach-24/7 Library to Meet Customer’s Needs User

American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference 1

I participate in American Library Association 2010 Annual Conference in Washington June 24-29.I’am here with my president of The Danish library Association. I will try to do a diary in the form of small blogs that will tell about my experiences. Some in English and some in Danish. Today is the start of the conference. There is an Unconference, and we're curious to experience the form of this special Unconference. We think it cut be an inspiration to our own Annual conference in Denmark. What is an Unconference? An unconference is a participantguided experience that harnesses the unstructured conversations people usually have between conference sessions into the conference itself. Unlike most conferences where talking heads and group leaders decide what is important, unconferences are organized by the crowd. Unconferences are about sharing the knowledge and passion we have for our profession and taking what we learn into the world to make a difference. Everyone has something to sha

Øget personregistrering er en trussel mod vidensamfundet

Forbrugerrådet rejste i sidste uge kritik imod de nye overvejelser om registrering, bl.a. i forbindelse med køb af taletidskort og registrering af internetbrugere på bibliotekerne. Bl.a. betyder det ingen adgang til internettet på biblioteket uden at oplyse sit CPR-nummer. Det er et af de forslag som overvejes i regeringen i forbindelse med en optrapning af kampen mod terror og organiseret kriminalitet. Justitsministeriet mener, at de mange frit tilgængelige internetopkoblinger på offentlige steder medfører stigende problemer for politiets efterretningstjeneste, og derfor overvejes det, at indføre påbud om at brugere af offentlige tjenester skal identificere sig for at få adgang til tjenesterne. Jeg synes ikke om ideen og har tidligere skrevet om det . En sådan ordning vil kræve mange ekstra ressourcer, og den vil næppe have den store effekt, fordi der alligevel er så mange andre steder i det offentlige rum, hvor kriminelle og potentielle terrorister kan komme på internettet. Det er og

Afskaf barriererne - EBLIDA Council Meeting & Conference 2010

På EBLIDA’s (den europæiske biblioteksorganisation) generalforsamling i starten af maj i Helsinki var hovedfokus på foreningens nye vedtægter, som nu også giver institutioner stemmeret. På Council-mødets tilknyttede konference, der blev arrangeret sammen med NAPLE (de nationale biblioteksstyrelser o.l.), var årets tema “Afskaf barriererne: bibliotekernes rolle i en fortsat udvikling af Europa”. Det har jeg skrevet en artikel om i Danmarks Biblioteker Det finske parlament lagde lokaler til begge dele i sin nye anneksbygning Parliament Annex Little Parliament. En arkitektonisk perle skabt af arkitektfirmaet Helin & Co i 2004, så omgivelserne for de cirka 100 deltagere var indbydende og inspirerende. Fra DB deltog udover undertegnede formanden, Vagn Ytte Larsen, og DBs repræsentant i Executive Board, stadsbibliotekar Lene Byrialsen fra Odense. Nye vedtægter EBLIDAs generalforsamlig forløb uden de store overraskelser. Der var enstemmig opbakning til at lave nye vedtægte


Der har igen været debat om de mange biblioteksfilialer der er lukket og det er da også e n kendsgerning, at der er nedlagt over 300 filialer i de seneste 10 år og desværre også lavet store besparelser på sektoren. Den 3. juni var DR fremme med overskrifter om at nedlæggelse af biblioteksfilialer har ført til større udlån, hvilket givetvis er rigtigt nogle steder, men absolut ikke alle. Hvor det er tilfældet skyldes det ofte at det bibliotekstilbud der er nedlagt ikke har været tiltrækkende nok, ikke har haft en tilstrækkelig interessant samling og måske endda er udsultet økonomisk. I de tilfælde hvor et filialbibliotek ikke er bærerdygtigt og kan revitaliseres, så synes jeg, at det kan være ok at lave en omfordeling til andre løsninger, som udbygning af større biblioteker eller mobile betjeningsformer. Det skal så også understreges, at det ikke er på udlån alene, at man kan bedømme om biblioteket er bæredygtigt. Vi kan se at udlånet af bøger generelt er svagt faldende i Danmark, men

Nordic Library Associations meeting 3.- 4. June 2010 in Reykjavík

in the next days I will participate in Nordic Library Associations meeting in Reykjavík The Agenda: 9:00 Welcome & presentations of participants 1. Rapports Short rapports from each library association on conferences and other arrangements and activities. 2. Library politic Plans and decisions made by Nordic governments influencing the library world 3. IFLA topics · GB decisions in April, · Plans to change the WLIC, · The IFLA Presidential Meeting and the MLAS workshop and meeting in Stellenbosch 17.-20.2. · IFLA WLIC in Gothenburg in August 2010, · IFLA WLIC 2012 in Helsinki preparations · Other IFLA matters... 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch 4. Joint activities: The joint international affairs of the Nordic Library Associations discussed in Oslo – status and projects. 5. Copyright The copyright meeting in Oslo in Feb 2010 - what is next in the copy