En undersøgelse fra Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project og Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , viser at af den unge generation mellem 16 og 29 år bruger den ny teknologi til at få adgang til bøger og andre biblioteksressourcer ofteren end ældre amerikanere. De bruger iøvrigt også de traditionelle bibliotekstilbud mere. Det kan du læse mere om her In the 16–17 age group, 28 percent read an e-book in the last year compared with 13 percent the previous year. In the 18–24 group, 31 percent read e-books in the last 12 months versus 24 percent the previous year. The 25–29 group was at 31 percent as well for the last 12 months, 27 percent in the prior year. E-book readership peaked in the 30–49 group at 41 percent, up from 25 percent the previous year. The numbers dropped off in the 50–64 group: 23 percent this year, 19 percent the previous year. And among the oldest group, 65-plus, 20 percent read an e-book in the last 12 mont...
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