In the Nordic library organizations we believe that international cooperation can create a better world. That's one of the reasons why we meet once a year, with all the other Nordic countries. To discuss how we can strengthen cooperation between libraries i the Nordic Countries for the benefit of people and society. (And I don't mention Trump at all) This year we meet in Copenhagen and have a series of presentations and discussions , which you can see more about here. Thursday 18 January 2018 13.00 Welcome by Steen B. Andersen, President DLA We believe in International cooperation - Nordic library meeting in Copenhagen - Steen Bording Andersen from Michel Steen-Hansen 13.30 Danish Study: Digital Library Strategies, 2017 FIND THE ENGLISH REPORT HERE Lotte H Dhyrbye, Head of The Danish Think Tank – Libraries of the Future Danish Study: Digital Library Strategies - Nordic library meeting in Copenhagen from Michel Steen-
-en blog om kultur, politik og bibliotek