In the Nordic library organizations we believe that international cooperation can create a better world. That's one of the reasons why we meet once a year, with all the other Nordic countries. To discuss how we can strengthen cooperation between libraries i the Nordic Countries for the benefit of people and society.
(And I don't mention Trump at all)
(And I don't mention Trump at all)
This year we meet in Copenhagen and have a series of presentations and discussions, which you can see more about here.
Thursday 18 January 2018
13.00 Welcome
by Steen B. Andersen, President DLA
13.30 Danish
Study: Digital Library Strategies, 2017 FIND THE ENGLISH REPORT HERE
Lotte H Dhyrbye, Head of The Danish Think Tank – Libraries of the Future
Lotte H Dhyrbye, Head of The Danish Think Tank – Libraries of the Future
Danish Study: Digital Library Strategies - Nordic library meeting in Copenhagen from Michel Steen-Hansen
eReolen – the Danish, national e-lending platform - Nordic library meeting in Copenhagen from Michel Steen-Hansen
14.30 Debate
– Similarities & Differences in the Nordic Countries
15.30 Digital-Single-Market
- Copyright
Status & EBLIDA
Steen B. Andersen, president of the Danish Library Association
16.00 Debate
– what to do now?
17.00 End
of meeting
Friday 19 January 2018
09.00 Brief
Country Reports
Finland has made: "Bibliotekens ekonomiska effekter"
Rapporten i korthet
Rapporten redogör för de ekonomiska effekterna av Finlands allmänna bibliotek. Utredningen gjordes på uppdrag av Finlands biblioteksförening och Finlands svenska biblioteksförening och har fått stöd av Stiftelsen för kommunal utveckling, Axiell Finland och Finlands biblioteksstiftelse. Rapporten publiceras den 7 juni 2017
The Danish Think Tank launched a European project “The Economic Impact of Public Libraries” in autumn 2015.
The aim of the projects is to share experience and knowledge on new ways of demonstrating impact and value of European libraries and address political key messages to politicians at both national and European level about the economic value of public libraries
Reading Culture & Joy of Reading Among Danish Children
As the largest supplier of leisure reading, the libraries have an immense potential in making a social difference by promoting children's motivation for reading. Studies show that reading literacy not only promotes reading ability, but also the general ability and desire for learning. New quantitative and qualitative knowledge will be developed in the field, which takes into account the digital development and children's changed media reality.
With more than 9.000 pupils from to 7th grade participating in the study it is the most extensive study on the subject. The goal is to actively collect knowledge and develop that can strengthen the libraries own practice in the field, in collaboration with the public schools. The project is conducted in collaboration with Copenhagen Libraries, National Centre for Reading and the Research Center Læ
Language: Danish - se more
Island has got a e-book lending system - se it here
Finland has made: "Bibliotekens ekonomiska effekter"
Rapporten i korthet
Rapporten redogör för de ekonomiska effekterna av Finlands allmänna bibliotek. Utredningen gjordes på uppdrag av Finlands biblioteksförening och Finlands svenska biblioteksförening och har fått stöd av Stiftelsen för kommunal utveckling, Axiell Finland och Finlands biblioteksstiftelse. Rapporten publiceras den 7 juni 2017
The Danish Think Tank launched a European project “The Economic Impact of Public Libraries” in autumn 2015.
The aim of the projects is to share experience and knowledge on new ways of demonstrating impact and value of European libraries and address political key messages to politicians at both national and European level about the economic value of public libraries
Reading Culture & Joy of Reading Among Danish Children
As the largest supplier of leisure reading, the libraries have an immense potential in making a social difference by promoting children's motivation for reading. Studies show that reading literacy not only promotes reading ability, but also the general ability and desire for learning. New quantitative and qualitative knowledge will be developed in the field, which takes into account the digital development and children's changed media reality.
With more than 9.000 pupils from to 7th grade participating in the study it is the most extensive study on the subject. The goal is to actively collect knowledge and develop that can strengthen the libraries own practice in the field, in collaboration with the public schools. The project is conducted in collaboration with Copenhagen Libraries, National Centre for Reading and the Research Center Læ
Language: Danish - se more
Island has got a e-book lending system - se it here
10.30 IFLA
Global Vision & Focus – Debate
Knud Schulz and Torbjörn Nilsson introductions
Knud Schulz and Torbjörn Nilsson introductions
11.30 IFLA
2018 in Kuala Lumpur –
Fri.24 Aug. to Thur.30 Aug. (only Libr. Visits)
(IFLA 2018 dates do not follow the regular pattern)
Fri.24 Aug. to Thur.30 Aug. (only Libr. Visits)
(IFLA 2018 dates do not follow the regular pattern)
Nordic Caucus Friday 24 Aug.,
organizer DLA
Lunch Meeting Saturday 25
Aug.?, organizer?
11.45 Next
Meeting & Any Other Business
12.00 Lunch
– Danish Smørrebrød
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