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Library as Center for Innovation and Secure In A Post-Snowden World #ALAAC15

If I had all the time in the world I would be in several places at the same time. And I probability would have a thicker red line in my personal program for ALA. But I is based on how libraries can use technology to benefit citizens.
If I had a time turner like Hermione, I could be in more than one place at a time at ALA Annual.<br />
Getting expert advice on the exhibit hall floor: has great ideas; candy; great jokes; tech guru; a cool new tool.<br />
Witnessing history at the awards celebrations: your favorite authors & illustrators; next up, an inspiring and tear-jerking speech; hooray.<br />
Hearing all sorts of talks given by rock stars: Edwidge Danticat, Nick Offerman, Gloria Steinem.<br />
Attending tons of mind-blowing programs: an incredible idea exchange is occurring! Gamification, diversity, programming, outreach, privacy, cataloging, advocacy.<br />
Instead, I’ll just have to register and make my choices when I get there. See you in June in San Francisco!<br />
Lisa Nowlain.

I will when the conference is over write a comprehensive article on I found the thin red line in my program.

 link til konferencens site
Meet me at twitter @saintmichels or Facebook  or follow the conference hastag #ALAAC15

I'll try to get around;

Public Library as Center for Innovation

In an age of information abundance, libraries can re-define themselves as anything from community living room to hands on lab to business center, and everything in between. Why not a Center for Innovation? Library users need spaces that support learning in digital literacy, visual literacy, cultural literacy, and spark innovation on every level. Hear from library designers and library leaders as they discuss innovative programs being tested and the buildings and spaces that support them.
Speaker: Peter Bolek
Speaker: Traci Lesneski
Speaker: Trent Miller

If we make it, will they come? Could introducing creative spaces add value to your community?

Libraries have always provided knowledge to their patrons and many now offer Arduino, laser cutters & ShopBots, to engage curious minds and incubate local innovation. Where did funding come from? Did the space provide value? Pilot or Sustainable? Confirmed panelists include Library and independent Hacker/Maker space founders and directors to discuss the methodology of creation, their different funding structures, and share examples of how they provide value to their community through the services they provide.
Speaker: Tod Colegrove, Head of DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library, University of Nevada, Reno

Real World Prototyping: Designing Technology Spaces through Experimentation

This panel of academic and public librarians from across North America will share experience with live prototypes to test and refine the design of experimental visualization labs, media production rooms, and Makerspaces. Prototyping and iterative design are concepts common to developers, but can be equally valuable to test novel technologies and services. The focus will be on lessons learned from successes and failures.

Digital Privacy and Security: Keeping You And Your Library Safe and Secure In A Post-Snowden World

Join Blake Carver from LYRASIS and Alison Macrina from the Library Freedom Project to learn strategies for security from digital surveillance. We'll teach tools that keep data safe inside the library and out -- securing your network, website, and PCs, and tools you can teach to patrons in computer classes. We’ll tackle security myths, passwords, tracking, malware, and more, covering a range of tools from basic to advanced, making this session ideal for any library staff.
Speaker: Alison Macrina
Speaker: Blake Carver

Don't Freak Out: Fracking the Customer Data Goldmine

Borrower privacy is a “third rail” for most librarians. Is it time for a change? Customers have come to expect highly-personalized service based on past use; they get recommendations now for everything from shoes to music. Is it time for libraries to leverage their “big data” to provide personalized service? How can we do this without compromising our principles? In this panel discussion, we will recap privacy concerns; outline opportunities for customizing service; and share concrete examples from libraries that have repurposed borrower data to provide value-added services.
Moderator: Stephanie Chase, Director, Hillsboro (Ore.) Public Library
Speaker: Brian Auger, County Library Administrator, Somerset County (N.J.) Library System
Speaker: John Blyberg, Assistant Director - Innovation and UX, Darien (Conn.) Library
Speaker: Mark Lewis, Product & Innovations Practice Lead, Slalom Consulting
Speaker: Toby Greenwalt, Director of Digital Strategy and Technology Integration, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Top Technology Trends

This program features our ongoing roundtable discussion about trends and advances in library technology by a panel of LITA technology experts. The panelists will describe changes and advances in technology that they see having an impact on the library world, and suggest what libraries might do to take advantage of these trends. More information on Top Tech Trends: http://ala.org/lita/ttt
Twitter hashtag  - #ALATTT  Top Tech Trends

And thank God the library is about much more than technology, it is about the people ......so I will end my participation in the conference with

They’re Our Customers, Too: Engaging the Homeless at Your Library

One size does not fit all and many urban public libraries across the country are learning how best to serve their whole community, including community members who are homeless. Dallas Public Library, Salt Lake City Public Library and Denver Public Library will share their unique approaches to serving the homeless, including their struggles and their successes as it relates to library staff, the housed community, the homeless community, and community partners.
Speaker: Elissa Hardy, Social Worker, Denver Public Library
Speaker: Jo Giudice, Director of Libraries, Dallas Public Library
Speaker: John Spears, Executive Director, Salt Lake City Public Library
Speaker: Michelle Jeske, City Librarian, Denver Public Library

See you out there


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