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Exploring Cultural Intelligence CQ #ALAAC15 and The Green Bicycle

In the US starts work day often much earlier than in Europe. For example, it is not unusual to conferences such as ALA Annual Conference starts at 7.30 in the morning. However, I am a little surprised that the program this Saturday starts at 6:30 - And as I am from Europe, I hope it's ok, I meet at 8am - It's saturday for christ's sake

You've heard of IQ and EQ, but what about CQ?

 This morning I start out with CQ. It´s a topic I know nothing about, but it seems really interesting and I will certainly examine more about CQ as a concept and the research on the topic.
See artikels about Cultural Intelligence

In the program they describes it as:

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) refers to our ability to function effectively across national, ethnic, and even organizational cultural boundaries. Cultural Intelligence involves four interdependent capabilities: Knowledge, Motivation, Interpretation, and Behavior.

Improving our CQ makes us better communicators and more gracious actors in our increasingly diverse world. Through this highly interactive conversation, sample what CQ has to offer and learn tools you can apply immediately as you cross cultural boundaries

Speaker: Marla Ehlers, Assistant Director, Grand Rapids Public Library

 link til konferencens site

My second experience Today is only because I love the movie The Green Bicycle

Al Mansour
Haifaa al-Mansour and the green bicycle
It´s the Award-winning Saudi Arabian film director and screenwriter Haifaa al-Mansour being interviewed by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” and Dave Eggers for McSweeney’s journal “Wholphin.” Winner of an EDA Female Focus Award, al-Mansour’s first feature-length film “Wadjda” also won the Best International Feature Audience Award at the Los Angeles Film Festival, among other awards, and is the first feature-length movie filmed entirely in Saudi Arabia, the first feature filmed by a female Saudi Arabian director, and the first Saudi Arabian film submitted for the Best Foreign Language Oscar.

The film is the basis of al-Mansour’s middle-grade (and debut) novel The Green Bicycle, about a spunky and sly eleven-year- old living in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, who constantly pushes the boundaries of what's considered proper. The story of her attempt to get a bicycle, considered improper for girls to ride, unfolds against the shifting social attitudes of the Middle East, and explores gender roles, conformity, and the importance of family with warmth, spirit, and humor.

The daughter of a poet, al-Mansour studied comparative literature in Cairo and later attended film school in Australia. Her 2005 documentary “Women Without Shadows” speaks to the hidden lives of women in Arab States of the Persian Gulf and was shown at 17 international festivals, received the Golden Dagger for Best Documentary in the Muscat Film Festival, and got a special jury mention in the fourth Arab Film Festival in Rotterdam. Her next film, “A Storm in the Stars,” about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and starring Elle Fanning, is set to release in 2016.

See my twitter  or the conference hastag #ALAAC15

It promises to be a good day


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