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Hvad læser børn i en skole uden et bibliotek?

Mine største børn siger stadig at de går på skolebiblioteker, men jeg tvivler på at min den yngste på 4 kommer til at kende begrebet.

I kølvandet på folkeskolereformen er skolebiblioteket nemlig blevet afskaffet eller i hvert fald erstattet af pædagogiske læringscentre. Hvad betyder det for skolen og elevernes kompetencer i forhold til traditionelle biblioteksdyder som litteratursøgning, kildekritik og læselyst, når man ændre fokus fra bibliotek til læringscenter.

Det er tanker der er inspireret af at jeg er på vej til generalforsamling i Aarhus hos Kommunernes Skolebiblioteksforening eller de har naturligvis også skiftet navn til Kommunernes Forening for Pædagogiske Læringscentre. En forening som vi I Danmarks Biblioteksforening har et godt og udbytterigt samarbejder med, hvilket vi desværre ikke har med den anden "skolebiblioteksforening" Pædagogisk LæringsCenterForening som har meddelt at de ikke længere ønsker at deltage i biblioteksparaplysamarbejdet da de ikke længere hedder noget med biblioteker. (De hed før reformen Danmarks Skolebibliotekarer.)

Hvad med bøgerne og litteraturen
Nogle vil sikkert indvende at navnet ikke er væsentligt, men den største udfordring ved ikke længere at have biblioteker i skolen er den manglende fokus på litteraturen og det at skabe læselyst. I bekendtgørelse om folkeskolens pædagogiske læringscentre er nævnt litteratur. Man nævner formidle kulturtilbud til børn og unge, digitale medier, men ikke bøger, ikke engang e-bøge

Det synes jeg er et problem som man bør sætte fokus på. Folkeskolereformen lægger naturligvis op til at man skal "åbne skolen" og bl.a. indgå i samarbejder med folkebibliotekerne. Det sker heldigvis også mange steder og det skal vi have meget mere af, men litteraturen og læselysten skal have en afgørende plads i hverdagen på de danske folkeskoler. Læsningen er al lærings moder og derfor skal der fokus på læsning som mere end blot et fag.

Navnet Pædagogiske Læringcentre skal i følge undervisningminisersiet fortælle, at fokus ligger på læringsrettede aktiviteter, og det kan selvfølgelig godt være "læsning" men ved ikke at nævne litteratur, læselyst og inspiration til fritidslæsning ændres fokus og man kan tabe en væsentlig komponent i skolerne og ikke mindst elevernes liv.

Et råd har i mange år lydt på at eleverne skal læse 20 minutter hver dag. Det er stadig et godt og gældende råd, da 20 minutters læsning i fritiden ifølge PISA svare til mere end et skoleår i læsefærdigheder.

Heri opstår så det væsentlige problem hvis ikke der i skolebiblioteker, nej undskyld Det pædagogiske læringscenter er fokus på litteratur. Hvis det er børns fritidslæsning vi skal forøge handler det om at inspirere dem og skabe læselyst så de selv griber bogen og læser af lyst, når det har hentet den på folkebiblioteker.

Seniorforsker på Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet Jørgen Christian Nielsen mener, at 20 minutters læsning først og fremmest har betydning for mellemtrin og de ældste elever:

»Børn er meget flittige og glade for at læse i de små klasser, men forskning viser, at eleverne holder op med at være fritidslæsere på femte klassetrin. Mange skoler opfordrer forældre og elever til at holde fast i læsningen, men det er svært mange steder. Det betyder, at danske elever læser for lidt,« siger han. Undersøgelser har vist, at de danske skoleelever læser dårligere - og mindre - end elever i de lande, som vi normalt sammenligner os med.

I 2014 påviste Tænketanken Fremtidens Biblioteker også at folkebibliotekerne skaber en betydelig Værdi gennem læsning – bibliotekerne er stor bidragsyder til fritidslæsningen, fritidslæsning forbedrer læsefærdigheder og dermed den øgede sandsynlighed for højere uddannelsesniveau med højere lønninger og produktivitet til følge svarende til et bidrag på 2 mia. kr.

At skabe læselyst og øge børns fritidslæsning er ikke en opgave alene for folkebiblioteker, men også for folkeskolen, derfor vil jeg opfordre til en debat om hvordan man i Pædagogiske Læringscentre skaber mere fokus på litteratur, fritidslæsning og læselyst.


  1. Hello, Lakewood Financial Institutions is at it again, we give loan to both local and international client in need of a loan. And we give @ 2% rate to all client, so you can contact us via E-mail, lakewook_financialinstitutions@consultant.com or lakewook21@gamil.com


    1. Be warned most of these so called hackers are imposters, I have been ripped off twice already, thankfully my friend gave me a reliable contact, they work with discretion and deliver, they do all sort of hacking, (unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse phone and PC). i will prefer to let their services speak for itself. you can contact them through their mail account (securehackers01@gmail.com). they will also help you to hack and change university grades. that easy. securehackers01@gmail.com

    2. Hello everyone i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking man called Mr Johnson he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $3000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address masteratmhacker@yahoo.com . And I believe they will also Change your Life

    3. Hello everyone i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking man called Mr Johnson he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $3000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address masteratmhacker@yahoo.com . And I believe they will also Change your Life

    4. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Mr. Robert William, he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not fake. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $6000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life with my girlfriend Laurel. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $78000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address (Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com).

    5. Hello everyone i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking man called Mr Johnson he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $3000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address masteratmhacker@yahoo.com . And I believe they will also Change your Life

    6. I have being hearing of blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any attention to it because of my doubts. Until one day i read about a hacking group called solivlinkon, really, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can only be used for some specific bank ATM. This means the ATM cannot be used for all banks ATM. though i still had my doubts but i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not fake. One week later i received my card and tried with the specific bank ATM, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw $300 daily for three weeks then ATM expires. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $78000 without any stress of being caught. i just felt this might help other in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address solivlinkon@gmail.com

    7. GET YOU ATM BLANK CARD WITH THE REAL GROUP FAST AND EMAIL Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Robert. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. praying and hoping it was not a scam i used the blank CARD and it was successful i withdraw nor less than 10,000 dollar each every day the blank CARD worked like a magic and now i have become rich and famous in my society, if you want to order for the blank ATM CARD here is there email address Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com

    8. GET YOU ATM BLANK CARD WITH THE REAL GROUP FAST AND EMAIL Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Robert. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. praying and hoping it was not a scam i used the blank CARD and it was successful i withdraw nor less than 10,000 dollar each every day the blank CARD worked like a magic and now i have become rich and famous in my society, if you want to order for the blank ATM CARD here is there email address Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com


    Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… (wilsonedwardsloancompany@gmail.com) No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
    They offer all kind of categories of loan they
    Short term loan (5_10years)
    Long term loan (20_40)
    Media term loan(10_20)
    They offer loan like
    Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
    Student loan..........,Business start up loan
    Business loan....... , Company loan.............. etc
    Email..........(wilsonedwardsloancompany@gmail.com )
    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

    1. GET YOU ATM BLANK CARD WITH THE REAL GROUP FAST AND EMAIL Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Robert. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. praying and hoping it was not a scam i used the blank CARD and it was successful i withdraw nor less than 10,000 dollar each every day the blank CARD worked like a magic and now i have become rich and famous in my society, if you want to order for the blank ATM CARD here is there email address Robertblankatmhacker@gmail.com

  3. How My Life Was Transform by Mr Martinez Lexie

    My Name is Nicole Marie from Ohio, United State and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life, As i am a struggling mum with two kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors stated that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bills for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i ran to my father and he was not able to help me, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers i came across a God fearing man (Mr Martinez Lexie) who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet mostly Africa, but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt due to the fact that the company is from United State of America, and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $82,000.00 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is ok and can walk, my family is happy and i said to myself that i will shout to the world the wonders this great and God fearing Man Mr Martinez Lexie did for me and my family; so if anyone is in genuine and serious need of a loan do contact this GOD fearing man via Email: ( Lexieloancompany@yahoo.com ) or through the Company website: http://lexieloans.bravesites.com OR text: +18168926958 thanks

  4. I've just used this guy's services and he's a legit black hat hacker, he can handle social network hacks, emails and school grade hacks, he's actually the real deal, I was initially skeptical as I already got scammed before but he did come through, his email is lawsonmichael33@yahoo.com and you can also text him on +1 646-652-6107

  5. Should you ever require the services of a hacker for Private Investigations, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.
    contact; CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 302 2234

  6. Cyberhackinglord is the real hacker out their, please be careful of imposters. they are somany hackers who claim to be

    what they are not. i have been ripped off twice by this so called hackers. please be careful. if you need an hacker mail

    (cyberhackinglord@gmail.com), they work effectively, i can testify to that. mail them today and you will get your work


  7. I have used Cyberhacklove@gmail.com quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me.They helped me monitor my Spouse phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information my Spouse has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, facebook, text messages, sent and received through the phone: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. he could not believe his eyes when he saw the evidence because he had no idea he was hacked. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks,you get
    unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody's social account, email,E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to cyberhacklove@gmail.com or TEXT +16066579237 stating what you want to do?

  8. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse...in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met cyberhacksolutions@gmail.com..He saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKSOLUTIONS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  9. I have used Cyberhackanswers@gmail.com quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks; get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody's facebook account, email, whatsapp, text messages. they also make changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades. Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to cyberhackanswers@gmail.com or a text to +14353632534 stating what you want to do?

  10. Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact deadlyhacker01@gmail.com, he was excellent in helping me hack my husband's phone without physical contact.
    You can also reach him on +1513-445-5445, tell him Stacey referred you he'd help.

  11. I was with my girlfriend for four years. I used to trust and love her with all my heart until one of my friends told me he saw her in a hotel with another guy times without number. I didn't believe him in the first place but I later noticed she was hiding things for me, her two phones were locked with password and she would never unlock them for me. All this got me worried because I really loved her and so I explained the whole issue to my cousin and he promised to help me out. He said he would introduce me to a hacker but I told him I didn't believe in hackers anymore because I have been scammed so many times but he said I should try and trust him on the hacker he wanna get for me that he has used him many times before and he always get good results from him. He introduced me to "freelancexhacker@tuta.io and this guy really surprised me, he hacked my girlfriend's phones, emails, whatsapp and all her social media accounts and I have access to all without her notice. And that was how I caught her cheating and I confronted her with all the evidences I got from her phone ranging from her whatsapp messages to her text messages and she couldn't deny it and that was how we broke up. Anybody here facing the same issue can also contact the hacker that saved me from my cheating EX, I am sure he can save you from that cheating partner also. Contact him on "freelancexhacker@tuta.io . Try him out and thank me later. I wish you good luck.

  12. We are best when it comes to hacking.. Our services include: 1. School Grades Change 2. Drivers License 3. Hack email 4.
    Database hack 5. Facebook, Whatsapp 6. Hack Call Logs, 7. Retrieve messages, deleted data and recovery of messages
    on cell phone 8. Crediting , Money Transfer and other various activies 9. Sales of Dumps, Dead drops and fresh CC We
    also sell high grades techs and hacking chips and gadgets if you are interested in Spying on anyone. We sell software,
    apps for hacking service. Your security is 100% guaranteed and we have testimonies all around the world.We get your job done without any disappointment.
    Interested parties can reach us at internetexpert04@gmail.com

  13. I once hired globalhackteam35@gmail.com. Professional, Skilled and perfect hackers for hire. He's the real deal. My husband was a serial cheater, Had to save myself and the kids so I hired him and I felt a bit skeptical in the beginning but they did a good job. They hack email passwords, Social networks , Whats'app conversations, Cellphones, Any os. Clear criminal records, Change university grades, Improve credit rating , Bank transfers Contact them also for any general hacking services and leave a review for others to see. here is their viber/mobile number +19164365703

  14. Hello all

    we are providing Hacking services
    online hacking make money and live better life
    we deals
    All credit card, bank transfer, paypal transfer
    we are also teaching
    hacking (credit card, bank logins, computer hacking)



  15. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse...in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met Cyberhackpros@gmail.com..He saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  16. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to Cyberhackpros@gmail.com.Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  17. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to cyberhacks who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to reallifehackers@gmail.com incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (reallifehackers@gmail.com) or +13156755702 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  18. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. cyberhackpros@gmail.com will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you


  19. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try cyberhacklove@gmail.com i have used them so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack
    contact: cyberhacklove@gmail.com
    # +1606-657-9237

  20. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to cyberhacks who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to reallifehackers@gmail.com incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (reallifehackers@gmail.com) or +13156755702 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  21. I have used cyberhackanswers@gmail.com quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me.
    he has once help me get proof on my wife cheating activities on her Phone .
    He does all types of mobile hack;get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybodies
    facebook account,email,watsapp,textmessages.He also makes changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades..
    Getting the job done is as simple as sending an Email to cyberhackanswers@gmail.com or a text to +14353632534 stating what you want to do. Sure he will help you

  22. My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.
    Contact (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) .tell him i referred you he will help you

  23. Sincerely speaking, i always thought i could never find a
    legitimate hacker until a friend introduced me to this Russian

    hacker who helped hack into my ex husbands facebook, whatsapp and sms under
    8hours.He is a professional who also track

    calls,changing school grades,clearing online records(bad driving and criminal
    records) to mention a few. This is for those

    who really need help. Contact: cyberhackez@gmail.com

  24. Sincerely speaking, i always thought i could never find a
    legitimate hacker until a friend introduced me to this Russian

    hacker who helped hack into my ex husbands facebook, whatsapp and sms under
    8hours.He is a professional who also track

    calls,changing school grades,clearing online records(bad driving and criminal
    records) to mention a few. This is for those

    who really need help..Contact: cyberhackez@gmail.com

  25. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.
    contact; CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 302 2234

  26. Do you suspect your spouse is cheating on you? Or you want to get access to your kids' or employees phones? Contact finessehackers@gmail.com to help spy on their cell phone or computer remotely, he's quick and efficient.

    Don't forget to say Kimberly referred you, I'm sure he'll help.

  27. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try cyberhacklove@gmail.com i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: cyberhacklove@gmail.com

  28. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to cyberhacks who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to reallifehackers@gmail.com incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (reallifehackers@gmail.com) or +13156755702 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  29. My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.
    Contact (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) or +18053086751 .tell him i referred you he will help you

  30. i have been through a lot searching for companies and hackers to help me fix my credit score and was turned down several times until i came in contact with Abraham Shaw through a blog comments from john after contacting him he got the job done and was pleased he fixed my credit score and did it neatly with no trace a proffesional to the core and best i have seen at fixing credit score and hacking into IRS database to clear tax unpaid you can contact him on abrahamshaw01@gmail.com and text him on +1(413)-994-0230, tell him micheal refered you.

  31. Hello Everyone
    My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.
    Contact (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) or +18053086751 .tell him i referred you he will help you

  32. Hello everyone, my name is Kate Johnson.I was able to hack my husband's phone remotely and gained access to all his texts and calls with the help of ghosthacker2351@gmail.com, he is reliable and if you requite his services tell him I referred you.

  33. Hello everyone, my name is Kate Johnson.I was able to hack my husband's phone remotely and gained access to all his texts and calls with the help of ghosthacker2351@gmail.com, he is reliable and if you requite his services tell him I referred you.

  34. Hello.
    My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking related issues,He helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.And he showed me proof of work before payment.Contact him via(Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) tell him i referred you he will help you

  35. My name is Susan Mark, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding out.....it really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but cyberhacklove is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers ...you can contact cyberhacklove@gmail.com for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap ...cyberhacklove@gmail.com # +16066579237,please tell him Susan referred you

  36. I have used ourtimehacker@gmail.com quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me.
    he has once help me get proof on my wife cheating activities on her Phone ,He does all types of mobile hack;get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybodies
    facebook account,email,watsapp,textmessages.He also makes changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades.. Getting the job done is as simple as sending an Email to ourtimehacker@gmail.com stating what you want to do. Sure he will help you

  37. Hello.
    My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking related issues,He helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.He showed me proof of work and his services was cheap.Contact him via(Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) tell him i referred you he will help you

  38. i am very suspicious of my fiance of two years now that she's cheating on me, she has changed passwords to every account that she has, plus put a pin lock on her phone, i have been searching for ways to retrieve her text messages without installing any software on her phone or having access to it, so far i am not having any luck. we have a 19 year history together, plus a beautiful 18 year old daughter & this is eating me up inside. But i finally burst on this page from Google and found the God eye who changed my whole story for good! He help me hack her FB, her emails and her phone number and i got to see all his messages and apps from her phone. only for me to found out she's cheating and have a son out there without my consent but i thank the God eye for letting me know all this and am moving on fine with my life and my daughter. He's also involved in any sort of hacking issues. Hurray!! Get to him on (Godeyeviewhacker@hotmail.com)

  39. Hello.
    My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking related issues,He helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.He showed me proof of work and his services was cheap.Contact him via(Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) tell him i referred you he will help you

  40. My name is Susan Mark, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding out.....it really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but cyberhacklove is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers ...you can contact cyberhacklove@gmail.com for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap ...cyberhacklove@gmail.com # +16066579237,please tell him Susan referred you

  41. Are you suffering financially or do you need urgent cash to pay your bills? worry no more because, there is away you can earn money without stress.You can change your life in just 18hours. contact (MR Martins) for a blank [ATM SMART CARD]today and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM SMART card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for a loan lender online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can take of my family. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $4000. Everyday i have enough money to take care of my family. Though is illegal, there is no risk of being caught , because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, and also it renders the CCTV useless when you are withdrawing money..For details on how to get a card today, email the hackers on : martinshackers22@gmail.com

  42. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try reallifehackers@gmail.com  i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack
    Contact :reallifehackers@gmail.com
    Contact: +13156755702


  44. My name is Kate Morgan, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding out.....it really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but reallifehackers is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers ...you can contact reallifehackers@gmail.com for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap ...reallifehackers@gmail.com # +13156755702 please tell him kate referred you


  45. Hello.
    My name is JIMMY LOOF ,i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking related issues,He helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.He showed me proof of work and his services was cheap.Contact him via(Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) tell him i referred you he will help you

  46. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to Cyberhackpros@gmail.com.Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  47. Normally a fake hacker asks for payment before services that he does not still render
    at the end but I want to introduce you to a university graduate in computer science
    as well as computer geek for any sort of account,grade,email problem,etc,you name it.She
    shows proof of work and payment is made only after service well done to your satisfaction
    Contact....Jamiehacking99@gmail.com or text +1 415-237-6483.

  48. Normally a fake hacker asks for payment before services that he does not still render
    at the end but I want to introduce you to a university graduate in computer science
    as well as computer geek for any sort of account,grade,email problem,etc,you name it.She
    shows proof of work and payment is made only after service well done to your satisfaction
    Contact....Jamiehacking99@gmail.com or text +1 415-237-6483.

  49. Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: Atmcardcashmachine@gmail.com and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  50. My name is Kate Morgan, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding out.....it really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but reallifehackers is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers ...you can contact reallifehackers@gmail.com for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap ...reallifehackers@gmail.com # +13156755702 please tell him kate referred you

  51. I was happily married for 21years. I loved my wife so much that i never for once cheated on her during our marriage because i believed she was loyal to me as i was to her. Then one day, her phone was ringing in the parlour and i was right there watching a program on tv. But i noticed she quickly ran from the room to pick her phone when she heard it, she ran like she was scared i might pick it up and also she went into the room to pick the call, i tried to follow her quietly to eavesdrop at what she was saying to figure out who she was talking to but i couldnt hear her because she kept whispering on phone.When i asked her who called, she told me it was a friend of hers trying to ask her something but they couldnt hear each other on phone.That really got me suspicious of her. And there was no other way to know the truth than to get a hacker to hack into her phone calls,text messages etc so that i could monitor her properly.Then i saw a post on youtube about an ethical hacker(spystealth.org@gmail.com) who is really good at what he does. He hacked into her phone and i had access to all the activities on it including her deleted text messages. After spystealth.org@gmail.com got done with the hack, It really broke my heart when i found out that she was still seeing her Ex BF, someone she told me she was done with a long time ago even before our marriage. She met him some couple of times since we got married to have sex. They chat on a regular basis.My wife and her Ex both keep on making new email addresses and chat on whatsapp and phone calls. They do short video chats and share photos all sorts including nude pictures of themselves. There's no other person to thank than spystealth.org@gmail.com for revealing my wife's long kept secret to me with his professional hacking skills.

  52. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse...in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met ghosthacker432@gmail.com..He saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs.. i was able to get evidence of my cheating wife through the services of ghosthacker432@gmail.com i got a detailed information about her secret dating, call logs, whatsapp and others and he hacked it without physical access of his phone. you can contact him too he also helped two other

  53. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. cyberhackpros@gmail.com will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  54. awesome work from cyberappshacker@gmail.com, he helped me spy on my fiancee phone last week, now am sure he that he was cheating so i can make the right choice before our marriage. been cheated on really sucks,
    you can contact him cyberappshacker@gmail.com to solve you problem of infidelity...or +13212968496

  55. Hello Everyone, My name is Geoffery, extreme2hacker@gmail.com
    is the best out here. if you need hacking into a cheating spouse phone,
    email,facebook,bank statements,social networks etc...then he is the
    perfect hacker at all the hacking jobs you have been looking for,
    he's so discreet and quite interesting, tell him i referred you please..
    once again its extreme2hacker@gmail.com

  56. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try cyberhacklove@gmail.com i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: cyberhacklove@gmail.com

  57. if you need a hacker to hack into any form of hacking problem contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he is the best and his services are cheap

  58. Bare kontakt reallifehackers@gmail.com eller tekst +13156755702
    Hvis du har brug for hjælp i Facebook hack. Ingen upfront betaling
    Der er bevis

  59. When it comes to Hacking, They are renowned for their jobs. They never delay. They are Genius.

    They are certified hackers that can render many services!!!

    Get in touch with them today they render service such as:

    +Facebook hack, Twitter hack, Instagram hack, Gmail, Yahoo hack

    +Already hacked Paypal, MasterCard, Credit Card untraceable balance

    +Email interception hack

    +Hack computer remotely

    +Whatsapp hack

    +Email accounts hack

    +hack into any database

    +Bank accounts hack

    +Hack WORD-PRESS Blogs

    +Untraceable IP and all degree of hacking.

    Contact them today via: Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com

  60. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at dragonhhacker@gmail.com ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  61. Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired him (CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM) for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my spouse phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and
    if you have a dishonest partner don’t hesitate to send him a mail Contact: CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM or +1 916 302 2234

  62. Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired him (CYBERPHONEHACKER@GMAIL.COM) for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my spouse phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and
    if you have a dishonest partner don’t hesitate to send him a mail Contact: CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM or +1 916 302 2234

  63. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try cyberhacklove@gmail.com i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: cyberhacklove@gmail.com

  64. I've lost thousands to these fake hackers, please don't fall for any of them, it's taken me months to find a genuine
    hacker. Thank you james! you and your crew are the bomb ,the work you did on my wife's accounts was simply
    phenomenal! and i aint talking about just facebook ;) turns out he shows you valid proof before payment. Hey if you ever need to get into your spouse's account, improve credit points, clear criminal records,tax, protection from spyware or simply have a score to settle or any other issues that need addressing, completely secure and fast!! contact by

  65. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with gadgethacksolution@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: gadgethacksolution@gmail.com he will be glad to help you

  66. help me thank hackintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating wife he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything systemhacksolutions is trust worthy and affordable contact systemhacksolutions@gmail.com +19274415166 IF U Need Any Help ? *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack * load bank account any amounts *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack - See more at systemhacksolutions@gmail.com +19274415166

  67. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with gadgethacksolution@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: gadgethacksolution@gmail.com he will be glad to help you.

  68. Hello.
    Are you in need of a Private Investigator or a Hacker,i recommend you try (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) He helped me with my problems,My wife has been cheating on me and i wanted proof, he gave me all i wanted.He hacked her Facebook,Gmail and her Phone conversations,he was reliable and trustworthy. Contact him via (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com)

  69. Hello everyone, my name is Kate Johnson. I was able to hack my husband's phone remotely and gained access to all his texts and calls with the help of ghosthacker692@gmail.com,he is reliable and really fast.i use him whenever I want to be sure about someone.if you require his services tell him I referred you.

  70. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. cyberhackpros@gmail.com will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  71. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with gadgethacksolution@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: gadgethacksolution@gmail.com he will be glad to help you.

  72. In the world of hacking I am the best, when it comes to hacking.

    Email : dhackerjack@gmail.com
    Whatsapp /call / sms :: +27786114613
    Whatsapp :: +60167569133

    +University grades hack,
    + Whatsapp hacking
    +Bank account hacks,
    +Control devices remotely hack,
    +Facebook Hacking Tricks,
    +Gmail, AOL, Yahoomail, inbox, hack are available,
    +Database hacking,
    +PC computer tricks
    +Bank transfer, Western Union, money gram, Credit Card transfer
    +Wiping of credit,
    +VPN software,
    +ATM Hack
    we are the real deal when it comes to hacking, carding, WU transfer, Money Gram transfer etc

    Email : dhackerjack@gmail.com
    Whatsapp /call / sms :: +27786114613
    Whatsapp :: +60167569133

  73. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with gadgethacksolution@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: gadgethacksolution@gmail.com he will be glad to help you.


  74. if you want to hack into your spouse or any form of hack contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he is good in hacking and his services are cheap tell him i refereed you to him am sure he will help you please only serious people should contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com

  75. Sincerely speaking, i always thought i could never find a legitimate hacker until a friend introduced me to this Russian hacker who helped hack into my ex husbands facebook, whatsapp and sms under 8hours.He is a professional who also track calls,changing school grades,clearing online records(bad driving and criminal records) to mention a few.
    This is for those who really need help. Contact: cyberhackez@gmail.com


  76. Have you ever wanted to Hack school grades, boost your credit score, hack online banking system, clear criminal records? Retrieval of lost documents online and all social media hacks. Contact us at magicdatabasehacker@gmail.com.
    We are special hackers which have a spare mastery that no one has. with our latest software we can hack database system. We are totally secured and your security comes first. magicdatabasehacker@gmail.com.


  77. Hello everyone, Need hacking services? contact noblehacker284@gmail.com
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers here are impostors, I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete. I’ve been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades, finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly, they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    - Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    - University or school grades changing
    - Bank accounts hack and funds transfer
    - Erase criminal records hack
    - Facebook hack, Twitters hack
    - email accounts hack, gmail, yahoomail, hotmail etc.
    - Skype hack
    - Databases hack
    - Word Press Blogs hack
    - Individual computers hack
    - Control devices remotely hack
    - Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    - Android & iPhone Hack etc.
    - Sales and supply of Hacking software.
    But they helped me;
    - Changed my school grades
    - Hacked my cheating ass girlfriend email facebook
    - The most of it all, they helped me with Western union money transfer and i tracked and confirm the money before i paid him their fees. I have made them my permanent hackers and you can as well enjoy their services.
    You can contact them at noblehacker284@gmail.com for any hacking services and also endeavor to spread the good news on how they helped you.THEY DESERVE MY PUBLICITY..

  78. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with gadgethacksolution@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: gadgethacksolution@gmail.com he will be glad to help you.


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  80. If you need to check ­on your partner’s sin­cerity,employee’s hon­esty,recover your ema­il passwords,Social n­etworks
    *Institutional server­s-keylogging -*Univer­sity grades changing ­/ Admin(staff)
    *Account hack -Access­/Password
    *Credit score increas­e
    *Facebook, instagram,­ bbm,Skype, snapchat,­zoosk, *Various blogs­, icloud, apple accou­nts etc
    *Clearing of criminal­ records-
    *Email accounts hack ­( gmail,yahoomail,hot­mail )*Databases hack­- Untraceable IP
    *Change your school g­rades,
    *Gain access to bank ­accounts.
    Contact data Shaft vi­a cyberhackinglord@gmail.c­om or text +13047160075.

  81. Hello.
    Are you in need of a Private Investigator or a Hacker,i recommend you try (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) He helped me with my problems,My wife has been cheating on me and i wanted proof, he gave me all i wanted.He hacked her Facebook,Gmail and her Phone conversations,he was reliable and trustworthy. Contact him via (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com)

  82. Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact deadlyhacker01@gmail.com, he helped me hack my husband's phone without physical contact.
    You can also reach him on +1 513-445-5445
    Tell him Stacey referred you, he'd help

  83. Hello.
    Are you in need of a Private Investigator or a Hacker,i recommend you try (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com) He helped me with my problems,My wife has been cheating on me and i wanted proof, he gave me all i wanted.He hacked her Facebook,Gmail and her Phone conversations,he was reliable and trustworthy. Contact him via (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com)


  84. I was referred to cyberappshacker by sophia maya and he did a good and fast job for me in less than 8hrs once a made i certain payment to him....
    he made available phone hack, chat histories, present chats and future chats...
    You can also contact him for all sorts of mobile hacking job. cyberappshacker@gmail.com his good and never scammed me.
    people try him and see believe me his different trust him.?

  85. Hello everyone i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking man called Mr Johnson he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $3000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address masteratmhacker@yahoo.com . And I believe they will also Change your Life


    I have been hearing about BLANK ATM CARD i never know it exist but until i tried my best to look for how i will get money to start up a business and pay my bills, i visited Facebook and some other sites so many times. I saw how people get helped with Blank ATM card from Hacking man called Engineer Micharel i was really surprise but i don't really know what to do so i decided to email Engineer Michael i complained to him how i needed money and he reply Yes he is a hacking man of anything, he said he can hack cellphones and Blank ATM and others devices, so I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. I have the faith is real and it will work because i saw many comments talking about his card. He told me Yes and that it is a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. i was amaze. after doing what he ask, 3 days later i received my card from DHL with my pin, i rush to try it on the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic i was so happy. I was able to withdraw up to $6000 immediately. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life, So far i have being able to withdraw up to $78000 without any stress of being trace and caught. I don't know why i am posting this here but i care about everyone who need financial help should contact him he is the best and kind, please don't fall in other peoples hands who will take your money and not give you card. you can text him +18508008129 his email address (micharelatmhacker@gmail.com). He can help you too. My name is Brett please Thank him for me he is so great.

  87. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hacker
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation

  88. if you want a hacker to work for you contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he has worked for me and i was happy with the job he did for me.,..he hacks into
    text messages
    call logs
    deleted messages and many more please only serious people should contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com his services are cheap and he is fast.

  89. Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: Atmcardcashmachine@gmail.com and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  90. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hacker
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation

  91. well if you need an hacker to hack into
    text messages
    deleted text messages
    call logs
    phone lock and many more
    contact JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM he is the best in the world,he is fast and cheap he has also worked for me and i was satisfied with the hack.you can also contact him for any form of hacking problem because he has solution to your problem just try him and see the good work he will do for you.tell him varga daniella refereed you


  92. I basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse...in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met bobbyhack1986@gmail.com..He saved me from the lies of my cheating boyfriend by hacking his phone he do all works facebook,hotmail,gmail,yahoo,western union,bank transfer,whatsapp,icloud, wechat,grades..In case you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs..Tell him i referred you.He will help you.

  93. Hello.Are you in need of a Hacker.I recomend (Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com).
    They render services such as:

    -Facebook hack
    -Gmail hack
    -Twitter hack
    -Mobile phone hack
    -Untraceable IP
    -University grades changing
    -Bank account hack
    -Bypassing of Icloud
    -Verified Paypal accounts hack

    They are reliable and trustworthy,contact (Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com).

    We sell physical loaded ATM cards . It is a croned card that can be used to withdraw Cash at any ATM Machine. This Cards comes in Visa/MasterCard. Therefore it works at any ATM Machine that accept Visa/masterCard
    Worldwide. CAN I USE THIS READY MADE ATM CARD TO BUY STUFF IN STORES? OR ONLINE SHOPPING? PAY BILLS? Yes, with this physical ATM card, you can use it to pay stuff at stores through POS. With this ATM card information, you can use it online to pay bills or do online shopping. When you order for this card, Full information about the card will be given to you. We also reload your card when funds is exhausted.
    DO I NEED TO ORDER NEW CARD EVERY TIME WHEN THE FUNDS HAS FINISHED? No, if you have already ordered our card, there is no need to keep ordering new cards, Just contact us for a reload. We shall easily reload the ATM card already in your possession. contact us on}} HENRYCLARK0033@GMAIL.COM

    Thank You.

  95. 2017 BLANK ATM CARD HACK ATM AND BECOME RICH TODAY You can hack and break into a bank's security ATM Machine without carrying guns or any weapon. How is this possible? First of all we have to learn about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is built with enough security to hack this machine We have develop the special blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. this card is been programmed and can withdraw $8000 USD within 24 hours in any currency your country make use of there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. The card will make the security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with the transaction you can never be trace. it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVS to detect you, there are so many other hacker out there whom claim to be real you have to be very careful they can never create this card all they want is your money. no ATM card can be able to withdraw $50.000 USD each day that is impossible, getting the card you will forward the company your address details so we can proceed to send the card to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. you can contact us on email now via:simonphilip2050@gmail.com BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD AMOUNT TO START A GOOD BUSINESS or TO START LIVING A GOOD LIFE

  96. Hi. We are a group of hackers called Accesshacking group and we offer hacking services for everyone, you can contact us at Accesshacking@gmail.com Some of our services are:

    - Get any password from any Email Address.
    - Get any password from any Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account.
    - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, line, wechat, etc)
    - Grades changes (institutes and universities)
    - Websites hacking, pentesting.
    - IP addresses and people tracking.
    - Hacking courses and classes.

    Our services are the best on the market and 100% secure and discreet guaranteed.

    Just write us and ask for your desired service:
    OUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Accesshacking@gmail.com

  97. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email (paulfranciscardhacker@yandex.com) for how to get it and it cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self,we are located around the world, these cards works on any ATM machine and it works according to it's activation.


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  98. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email (paulfranciscardhacker@yandex.com) for how to get it and it cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self,we are located around the world, these cards works on any ATM machine and it works according to it's activation.


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  99. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email (paulfranciscardhacker@yandex.com) for how to get it and it cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self,we are located around the world, these cards works on any ATM machine and it works according to it's activation.


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  100. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email (paulfranciscardhacker@yandex.com) for how to get it and it cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self,we are located around the world, these cards works on any ATM machine and it works according to it's activation.


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  101. why are you always crying about your cheating spouse contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he will help you hack into any form of hacking problem he helped me hack into my wife phone and went through her call logs,text messages,kik,facebook and deleted messages then he found out that my wife was dating another man behind me thanks to jeajamhacker@gmail.com for making me find out the truth about my wife

  102. why are you always crying about your cheating spouse contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he will help you hack into any form of hacking problem he helped me hack into my wife phone and went through her call logs,text messages,kik,facebook and deleted messages then he found out that my wife was dating another man behind me thanks to jeajamhacker@gmail.com for making me find out the truth about my wife

  103. GOOD CARD WITH COOL CASH...Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: Atmcardcashmachine@gmail.com and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  104. You need a savvy hacker,one who specializes in Expunging Criminal Records and Change of University Grades. Contact savvyhackers@gmail.com One who would be able to carry out and successfully execute hacks on your behalf while keeping it all discrete and under the radar.


  105. I just got out of a messy Divorce if you are worried about your husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on you using whatsapp this will end your worries; With the level of technological advancement in the present age, almost everything can now be done with a click of a mouse. Find out if your husband or wife is cheating on you, find out who they talk to when you are not there, hack any mobile phone (call log, text message, whatsapp etc), hack email, educational portal, website, database, increase your credit rating, clear criminal records and many more. You can also protect yourself from hack attacks.You can pretty much get anything you need done with Reputable Hacker. Contact: randyblair@contractor.net

  106. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hack
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    They can also teach you how to do the following with there E-Book and online tutorials
    * Is your partner cheating on you? they can teach you how to
    * Email and Text message interception,
    * Hack and use Credit Card to shop online,
    * Monitor any phone and email address,
    * Hack Android and iPhone on your own.


  107. We are part of a team consisting of highly efficient developers and hackers.
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Hack bank accounts
    Apps hacking
    MasterCard, Paypal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    We do custom software and web development in php, java, asp.net
    We have 100% records from our client as well as highest repeat hire rate.
    our work speak for ourselves, we provide a perfect software solution to all clients.
    We believe in mutual growing with client and hence we work as a technology partner and consultant for our clients. CONTACT CAPTAINREDEYE.HACK@HOTMAIL.COM

  108. If you need to hack into any database, delete record, improve credit score, spy on whatsapp, text, phone, emails, as long as it's hack contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com he is great, you won't be disappointed, cheap and fast, he saved my relationship.

  109. Hello. Are you in need of a Hacker or a Private Investigator.I recommend (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com). I have used them and they are the best. They render services such as:

    -Facebook hack
    -Gmail hack
    -Twitter hack
    -WhatsApp hack
    -Mobile phone hack
    -Database Hack
    -Retrival of lost files
    -Viber hack
    -Untraceable IP
    -University grades changing
    -Bank account hack
    -Bypassing of Icloud
    -Verified Paypal accounts hack

    They are reliable and Legit,contact (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com).

  110. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try cyberhacklove@gmail.com i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: cyberhacklove@gmail.com

  111. We are a professional carding team based in USA with a large ring around the globe, with over 2 million ATM infected with our malware and skimmers. We sell blank ATM card worth $50,000.00 United States Dollars to $15,000,000.00 United State Dollars. Contact us for more info: ghosthackingfoundation.hk@gmail.com

  112. do you really need a professional hacker to get a faster and reliable job done for you? you need to contact brianscotthacker005@gmail.com or message him +17603832605 for this to get you out of any issue or problem you want to get solved within 24 hours, i can guarantee you is job and a try ill convince you because he has helped me out and i have promise to promote his work.. Jamal referred


  113. I've just used this guy's services and he's a legit black hat hacker, he can handle social network hacks, emails and school grade hacks, he's actually the real deal, I was initially skeptical as I already got scammed before but he did come through, his email

    randyblair@contractor.net , please do mention that you were reffered by Lisa .

  114. Hello. Are you in need of a Hacker or a Private Investigator.I recommend (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com). I have used them and they are the best. They render services such as:

    -Facebook hack
    -Gmail hack
    -Twitter hack
    -WhatsApp hack
    -Mobile phone hack
    -Database Hack
    -Retrival of lost files
    -Viber hack
    -Untraceable IP
    -University grades changing
    -Bank account hack
    -Bypassing of Icloud
    -Verified Paypal accounts hack

    They are reliable and Legit,contact (Gadgethacksolution@gmail.com).

  115. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hack
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    They can also teach you how to do the following with there E-Book and online tutorials
    * Is your partner cheating on you? they can teach you how to
    * Email and Text message interception,
    * Hack and use Credit Card to shop online,
    * Monitor any phone and email address,
    * Hack Android and iPhone on your own, with immediate response and refferal discount benefit..

  116. I applied for a house and car loan about a couple of weeks ago. I was rejected because i had a very low score of 545, really devastated and down until i ran into an old friend i explained my problem to him and he introduced me to a hacker who's formerly an FICO agent. Just in 2 days i had my credit score raised to 827.I had a bet with my friend i was going to reveal the hacker to the world if he should fix my credit score. Well here I am recommending: (pyramideye.hack@outlook.com) for your credit score & credit report issues, bank, social media, phone hacks and many more. Just drop him mail at that address. Very reliable and cheap

  117. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 MONTHLY for a maximum of 12 MONTHS. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $150,000 already. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email
    to georgbednorzhackers@gmail.com

  118. With the level of technological advancement in the present age, almost everything can now be done with a click of a mouse. Find out if your husband or wife is cheating on you, find out who they talk to when you are not there, hack any mobile phone (call log, text message, whatsapp etc), hack email, educational portal, website, database, increase your credit rating, clear criminal records and many more. You can also protect yourself from hack attacks.You can pretty much get anything you need done with Reputable Hacker. Contact: randyblair@contractor.net or by text +1 813 379 2141. Good Luck


  119. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hack
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    They can also teach you how to do the following with there E-Book and online tutorials
    * Is your partner cheating on you? they can teach you how to
    * Email and Text message interception,
    * Hack and use Credit Card to shop online,
    * Monitor any phone and email address,
    * Hack Android and iPhone on your own, with immediate response and referal discount benefit..

    Get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!

    See how it works
    Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked Atm card??
    Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...

    Order for a blank Atm card now and get millions within a week!: contact me
    via email address: simonphilip2050@gmail.com

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
    machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at
    stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested
    buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM
    and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card
    you order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack
    services, i am here for you anytime any day.

    Here is our lists for the ATM CARDS:

    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day

    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!

    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact me via
    email address:: simonphilip2050@gmail.com

  121. We are universal hackers and we just succeeded
    with an illegal invention .
    Well, this seems strange
    but true .We just succeeded with hacking universal
    ATM machines with a blank ATM card.These
    cards could withdraw $10,000 per day,depending on
    how they are programmed. Say goodbye to poverty,we know this is illegal
    but we are living large with it .We are not going to give
    out the blank cards for free because we spent most
    of our time hacking so ,we want to make them
    available for you..NOTE :The ATM cards has no
    registered account number ,they can work anywhere in
    the world and they are untraceable .If you need
    EMAIL: atmmachine111@gmail.com

  122. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. Mr scott is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from he. Just send he an email on:scottgarry181@outlook.com


  123. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hack
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    They can also teach you how to do the following with there E-Book and online tutorials
    * Is your partner cheating on you? they can teach you how to
    * Email and Text message interception,
    * Hack and use Credit Card to shop online,
    * Monitor any phone and email address,
    * Hack Android and iPhone on your own, with immediate response and referal discount benefit..

  124. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to Cyberhackpros@gmail.com.Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  125. We are universal hackers and we just succeeded
    with an illegal invention .
    Well, this seems strange
    but true .We just succeeded with hacking universal
    ATM machines with a blank ATM card.These
    cards could withdraw $10,000 per day,depending on
    how they are programmed. Say goodbye to poverty,we know this is illegal
    but we are living large with it .We are not going to give
    out the blank cards for free because we spent most
    of our time hacking so ,we want to make them
    available for you..NOTE :The ATM cards has no
    registered account number ,they can work anywhere in
    the world and they are untraceable .If you need
    EMAIL: atmmachine111@gmail.com

  126. hello everyone check out our newly designed super intelligent blank atm cards Which have been specially programmed to
    withdraw free cash from any ATM Machine worldwide we have hacked the sum of one million dollars into each of our cards. please beware of scams selling counterfeit cards we sell the original cards with documents to validate our transactions. We deliver this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide and it has changed the life of many people including me.we have various cards and various prices for them and the cards has various daily.you can email us on theblankatm01@gmail.com


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