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Der har været EBLIDA møde i Wien. EBLIDA er en ny spændende oplevelse for mig. EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations), har hovedsæde i Haag og er en paraplyorganisation, hvis medlemmer omfatter nationale biblioteker, informations-, dokumentations- og arkivcentre i Europa. EBLIDA koncentrerer sig speciel om ophavsret, kultur og informationsteknologi og hertil hørende dokumentation.

Den 8. maj afholdt EBLIDA konferencen "A Library Policy for Europe". Et interessant tema og opfølgning på bestyrelsens ideer om hvidbog. Der var dog meget spredt fægtning i de forskellige oplæg og jeg manglede en større sammenhæng. Dog var særligt et indlæg meget interessant. Det var Jens Thorhauge fra Styrelsen for Bibliotek og Medier, der talte om “Visibility of public library objectives in national legislation and policies”. Han gav en glimrende oversigt over hvilke udfordringer ”det moderne bibliotek” står over for. Han foreslog også at man starter med at lave en grønbog, som start på den lange vej mod en fælles europæisk politik. Grønbøger er ofte debatoplæg, hvorimod hvidbøger indeholder handlingsplaner og andre mere præcise initiativer.

Han havde også et rammende dilemma for udviklingen af ”det moderne bibliotek”

Utopia - Informations og kommunikationsteknologi er udviklet til at skabe det ultimative bibliotek: integreret adgang til viden, kultur og støtte i dagligdagen for alle borgere .

DYSTOPIA - Bibliotekerne her ikke budget til download af ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale - adgangen bliver begrænset sammen med digitale monopoler skabes. Den digital kløft øges og sociale spændinger vokser

Der er en vej - men det er stenet
• Vi bør undgå Dystopia og kæmpe for Utopia
• Udvikling af en vision for den 'nye offentlige bibliotek'
• Opret strategier på lokalt, nationalt og europæisk plan
• Skabe projekter med nye tjenester
• Få biblioteket ud hvor folk er
• Opbygning af partnerskaber og blive en del af »den nye public service«

Se hans PowerPoint:http://www.conference.bvoe.at/presentations/Thorhauge.pdf

Du kan også se alle konferencens indlæg her: http://www.conference.bvoe.at/

Et helt konkret tiltag der kom ud af konferencen, var en fælles:

Vienna Declaration

At the joint conference of EBLIDA and NAPLE Forum, held in Vienna in May 2009, it was agreed to strengthen the role and potential of the library service throughout Europe in supporting the European Knowledge Society. Accordingly, EBLIDA and NAPLE Forum call on the European Commission to make progress through the following four recommendations:

White paper “Public Libraries in the Knowledge Society”:
EBLIDA and NAPLE Forum call on the European Commission to adopt a white paper that describes the new role of public libraries in the European Knowledge Society and recommends and encourages member states to act on behalf of their libraries. The white paper should be based, amongst other input, on the work of a high-level group of libraries established by the Commission.

Knowledge Centre:
We further call on the European Commission to establish a European Knowledge Centre for public libraries that will provide coordinated, current and reliable information on the public library services in all European member states and the EEA and which will be based at EBLIDA.

European funded projects:
Foster European funded projects that promote the development of libraries in a meaningful and sustainable way. Projects should target the development of a European library infrastructure that would complement the existing projects with high political visibility. In addition to these highly visible digital library development projects a common infrastructure for public libraries must be developed in order to accelerate the uptake of newly created online services and promote active European citizenship, as well as to provide wide learning opportunities.

Abolish barriers in the European Union that contradict the idea of the development of a Knowledge Society. A fair copyright policy is required, which considers the meaningful rights of the right-holders, but which at the same time establishes reasonable exceptions for the work of libraries.

EBLIDA is the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, an independent umbrella association of national library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe.

NAPLE, National Authorities for Public Libraries in Europe, is an international non-governmental association pursuing the interests of the national library authorities in Europe. Its main aim is to promote principles and strategies for public library policies.


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