In occasion of my participation in the World Congress for Libraries IFLA, I have made a presentation of the libraries in Denmark and especially the concept we call OPEN LIBRARIES. The theme of WLIC 2013 is "Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities" and OPEN LIBRARIES is one of the possibilities. In Denmark, all the libraries is free to use, In the way, that all the basis services are free of charge for the public. In Denmark almost all the Libraries are funded by tax. The libraries are obligated to make all kinds of materials available, both physical and digital. Not just books. We have 98 municipalities and all of them are obligated, by legislation, to have a library and to finance it. Some of the municipalities have more than one library. We have approximately 450 public libraries, to a population of 5,5 mil. people. Half of the libraries are closed in the last ten years, but the development has hopefully stopped now. It seems that development lead to fewer and few...
Det er jo overordentligt opløftende, men jeg undrer mig en smule over, at det kun gælder for byboer?
SvarSletEt interessant felt er måske også, om/hvad det betyder selv at være udøvende. På den den seneste NCK-konference hørt jeg et godt indlæg om et finsk ældreteater, som havde stor betydning for de deltagende - i hvertfald på kort sigt. Når der blev prøvet og spillet teater gled hverdagsproblemer (også helbredsmæssige som fx gangbesvær, smerter etc.) i baggrunden så deltagerne faktisk blev i bedre humør og følte sig mere adrætte end til daglig. Jeg kunne gætte på, at det immersive spiller en rolle, men det kunne være interessant at høre om undersøgelser, som har beskæftiget sig med dette felt.