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Knowledge, debate and Network – The Danish Think Tank Future Libraries #WLIC2014

Right now is The Danish Library Association in Lyon, or at least some of us, to IFLA Annual meeting (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
The head of the think tank 
Lotte Hviid Dhyrbye
prepares the poster presentation
Se more of the Conference here
This year our focus is to present The Think Tank Future Libraries and the idea behind it. The Think Tank was initiated by the Danish Library Association (DB) and we are proud to contribute to show its results to the whole world

The Danish Think Tank has made a flyer (see it here) and a poster (see it here)

The Think Tanks ambition is to:
• Produce knowledge, analysis and cross-disciplinary activities about the future role of the libraries

• Generate professional, public and political debate and awareness of the role of libraries now and in the future

A bottom-up initiative
The Danish libraries face many challenges such as digitalization and changes in expectations and demands on both physical and digital services; lack of public awareness of library services, changes in library user behavior, lack of political awareness and changes in the role of the librarian.

The Think Tank is a two-year project, started October 2012, and co-financed by the participating libraries, library organizations and central library players. Many activities are externally funded amongst other by the Danish Agency for Culture.

The ambition is to generate new knowledge, analysis and professional, public and political debate about the role of the libraries now and in the future and hereby contribute to reinvent the library as one of the major democratic and cultural welfare actors in Denmark.
Analysis and Projects

snapshotLibraries of the future – a segment analysis
The analysis has generated the most detailed collection of data and report focusing
on the use of libraries, barriers and drivers conducted by Moos Bjerre Analysis. More than 2000 people participated, with special focus on young people between age 15 – 29. The report generated detailed operational knowledge around 10 segments and strategic policy input on the role of the public libraries.

Volunteers at public libraries
Report about volunteers at public libraries: facts, values and expectations. The report was launched at a conference with focus on ‘new ways of volunteering’, democracy, citizenship, participation and the role of the libraries of the future.
The public library: a design – anthropologic approach
A cooperation between the Danish Agency for Culture, Danish School for Media and Journalism and the Think Tank to produce anthropologic data and concepts for the public libraries of the future. A design anthropologic team developed concepts and development paths together with 8 public libraries and their users and non-users.

Students’ reading preferences
snapshop 3Analysis of reading preferences of 500 Danish students. The survey’ focus is on the preferences for digital or physical materials, gender, level of education and the expectation and needs of the digital and physical library in general.

The economic impact on society
A macro-economic analysis of the economic impact of public libraries with focus on the variety of task and services eg. democratic participation, literacy, culture, local engagement and development, digital literacy. The report will be launched in October 2014.
Participating libraries and library players

The Think Tank is created and financed by 30 libraries, 4 library organizations and a few private companies – all participating as members in a variety of activities: analysis, workshops, debates, networks, conferences and campaigns. 
snap 7
Me and the minister of culture
Marianne Jelved

Public libraries from the following municipalities participate in the Think Tank’s activities:

Ballerup Municipality • Billund Municipality • Esbjerg Municipality • Frederikssund Municipality • Gladsaxe Municipality • Municipality of Glostrup • Helsingør Municipality• Herning Municipality • Municipality of Hjørring • Holbæk Municipality • Horsens Municipality • Hørsholm Municipality • Kolding Municipality • The Municpality of Køge • Copenhagen Municipality • Nyborg Municipality • Næstved Municipality • Odense Municipality • Randers Municipality • Roskilde Municipality • Silkeborg Municipality• Slagelse Municipality • Svendborg Municipality • Sønderborg Municipality • Vejle Municipality • Viborg Municipality • Aabenraa Municipality • Aalborg Municipality • Municipality of Aarhus

Library organisations (and Members of the Steering Committee):
Association of Danish Public Library Managers
The Danish Library Association (Chairman)
Municpal Association of School Libraries
Association of Research Libraries

Other members:, Axiell, Den offentlige.dk, The Royal School of Library and Information, Science (RSLIS), Moos-Bjerre Analysis More information


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