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ALA: Copyright and Digital Media in a Web 2.0 World 5 #ALA11

Now is the the ALA Annual Conference about to end. It's been a great experience and we now have 1 ½days back. With such an exciting program , it's hard to choose, but I plan to participate in; Copyright and Digital Media in a Web 2.0 World Presented by the author of the new (2011) book, “Copyright for Teachers and Librarians in the 21st Century,” this presentation addresses copyright and new formats and equipment: ipads, ipods and other hand-held devices; Play-Aways; blogs/vlogs; wikis; Podcasts/vodcasts; Nings; Second Life; social networking; special interest networking, for example Shelfari, GoodReads; Moodle, Skype, and similar digital communication tools; social bookmarking; web syndication; video streaming; computer/video games/gaming; and open-sourcing/Creative Commons. Speaker: Rebecca P. Butler Creating School Librarians for the 21st Century Is your library school old school? New standards and guidelines point to the library as a vibrant learning commons,

Hungry Town & New Orleans Food 5 #ALA11

The new item on the program this year, as I wrote about yesterday is The “What’s Cooking @ ALA” Cooking stage will showcase a variety of chefs and authors. Chefs will be heating up the exhibit floor with fantastic displays of the latest cookbooks. Chefs will be there every day to prepare the hottest recipes and to autograph their latest books. Actually it is a very fun and different idea at a conference like this there are very serious I have made this little video from the event today: (a good advice, eat always the same as the locals do) Famed New Orleans Food critic Tom Fitzmorris uses his bestselling books Hungry Town and Tom Fitzmorris’s New Orleans Food to frame the New Orleans restaurant scene and how easily it brushed off the effects of Katrina and the BP oil spill to reach its highest point, in both quality and numbers, in history. He’ll explain how New Orleans food is the last bastion of eating with your heart, instead of with your head, and give examples of great Ne

Developing Information Services with User Experience Design 4 #ALA11

Today I will start a little late to the conference ( 10PM) but it's Sunday ;-). Yesterday I was in a world of Semantic Web , Open Source Integrated Library Systems and a lot of e-books I will write more about that later, at American Library Association Annual Conference in New Orleans I will start going to a workshop on It’s All About Them: Developing Information Services with User Experience Design Applying User Experience (UX) Design to your library’s public services involves understanding your patrons’ needs and preferences. In this session, expert panelists John Blyberg (Darien Library), Cody Hansen (University of Minnesota) and Jenny Benevento (Sears Holding Corporation) will define UX design and explain why it’s important, discuss how it can help improve patrons’ overall experience of library resources and services, and describe how it can be implemented in library and information service settings. With practical tips and examples, you’ll be well-equipped to c

American Library Association Annual Conference 3 #ALA11

It’s Saturday today and we are still to American Library Association 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans http://alaannual.org/content/conference-overview . At a conference of this size requires some planning to figure out what to participate in. My plan for today looks so far like this: (maybe it ends with something else during the day , as there are many exciting program items. I will continue to write more about individual experiences, if they bring new exciting things. Today, it’s for me the most about digital tools and e -books) EBooks - Has Their Time Come? The variety of eBooks, whether equipment such as a Kindle or online such as eLibrary, provides a many resources for learning as well as a variety of challenges for managing those resources. This session will address the differences in Kindles, Nooks, iPads, iPods, and online services. It will cover methods of checkout, security, loss, access to materials, cost, and financial implications. A

Fantastisk levende fortælling - American Library Association Annual Conference 2 #ALA11

Jeg fortalte i sidste blogindlæg, at jeg skulle opleve den amerikanske forfatter, blogger, foredragsholder og youtube projektmager Dan Savage. Han har lavet et projekt som biblioteker og andre informationsvirksomheder bør dykke ned i, fordi det viser hvordan man kan bruge de sociale medier til at nå nye målgrupper og få hvordan det med enkle midler kan lykkedes at få mange mennesker til at bidrage med indhold. Dan Savage fortalte med stor indlevelse om sit og sin mands (som han sagde "i Canada er det min mand, men i USA er det min kæreste indtil loven måske ændres) projekt It Gets Better . Et projekt han har skabt for at forhindre selvmord blandt unge homoseksuelle. Der lå både personlige oplevelser bag, egen seksuel preference, men specielt havde en historie om en ung homoseksuel der havde begået selvmord pga. mangelende forståelse fra omgivelserne indtryk . Projektet går i alt sin enkelthed ud på at formidle voksnes gode erfaringer med at være en seksuel minoritet gennem youtu

New Orleans - American Library Association Annual Conference 1#ALA2011

I disse dage er jeg i New Orleans. En fantastisk levende og festlig by. I centrum mærker man ikke at byen for få år (august 2005) siden var total oversvømmet efter orkanen Katrina. Det da først møder en er et anderledes USA, hvor man fornemmer en næsten caribisk stemning, hvilket understreges af deres cajun køkken. Der er bare fyldt af små restauranter med kvalitet til næsten ingen penge set med danskerøjne. Min tur til New Orleans er betinget af, at jeg deltager i American Library Association (ALA) 2011 Annual Conference http://alaannual.org/content/conference-overview . Jeg har tidligere deltaget i deres konference, og også selv haft indlæg, men I år skal jeg bare suge til mig og opleve. http://biblioteksdebat.blogspot.com/2009/07/redefining-library-in-political-context.html Jeg vil starte med lidt stemningsbilleder før jeg i ugens løb bliver mere faglig/nørdet og jeg vil også løbende lægge fotos ud. Og så bliver det nok på en skønsom blanding af engelsk og dansk, men vi starter på

REACH OUT - How to organize and run a strong library organization in 2011

Today I make a presentation at NEXT LIBRARY REACH OUT - HOW TO ORGANIZE AND RUN A STRONG LIBRARY ORGANIZATION IN 2011 I’m going to tell a little about Danish libraries, the special structure in The Danish Libraryassociation, and how we influence the political system, or cooperate directly whit the politicians. NEXTLibrary - The Danish Libraryassociation View more presentations from Michel Steen-Hansen . We have made a small booklet about our organization called ’Political through and through’ GETTING RESULTS FOR MEMBERS AND CITIZENS BY ADVOCACY ● Acting and reacting ● Communication, Debate and News ● Stimulating political action via surveys and lobby activities INITIATING DEVELOPMENT ● Libraries & Citizens’ Services ● New library services for children ● The digital library NETWORKING & INVOLVEMENT ● Annual meetings ● Meetings politicians face-to-face ● Professional projects THE LIBRARIES and our ASSOSIATION In Denmark almost