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Højesteret tillader homo-ægteskaber over hele USA #ALAAC15

Det som fylder absolut mest i den amerikanske offentlighed i disse dage er at højesteret i går tillod homo-ægteskaber over hele USA. Det sætter naturligt nok også sit præg på en konference som den vi deltager i, specielt i en så liberal organisation som ALA og netop i en by som San Fransisco, der har et meget stort gay community. Formanden for Danmarks Biblioteksforening og jeg er også blevet påvirket af stemningen, så vi har også besluttet at skilte med vores solidaritet. Iøvrigt er det også blevet en stor kommerciel begivenhed. Her er 845 firmaer der udstiller og pludselig er der regnbuer i mange af deres logoer. Men ikke kun på vores konference udvises solidariteten med LGBT folket også firmaer som Mastercard og udskiftet deres logo. Mon det kun er solidaritet eller kommunikation med et købedygtigt publikum?  Nevermind, lad os glæde os over dommen og flette fingre i solidaritet

Open libraries - without staff ............. all the time

Do you know this when you visit the library? The experience is no longer as common in Denmark North Beach: San Francisco Public Library   yesterday at 9:55 am When I as a Dane participant in such a big event like IFLA or the ALA Annual Meeting is one of the questions we often get; is it true that in Denmark the libraries are open without staff?  The answer I give is; no, we do not have libraries without staff, but we have libraries that are open even when the staff is not there. More than half of all public libraries in Denmark are now "open libraries" In Denmark, all the libraries is free to use, In the way, that all the basis services are free of charge for the public. In Denmark almost all the Libraries are funded by tax. The libraries are obligated to make all kinds of materials available, both physical and digital. Not just books.  See  New e-book deals between all danish publishers and the public libraries in Denmark We have 98 municipalities a

Exploring Cultural Intelligence CQ #ALAAC15 and The Green Bicycle

In the US starts work day often much earlier than in Europe. For example, it is not unusual to conferences such as ALA Annual Conference starts at 7.30 in the morning. However, I am a little surprised that the program this Saturday starts at 6:30 - And as I am from Europe, I hope it's ok, I meet at 8am - It's saturday for christ's sake You've heard of IQ and EQ, but what about CQ?  This morning I start out with CQ . It´s a topic I know nothing about, but it seems really interesting and I will certainly examine more about CQ as a concept and the research on the topic. See artikels about  Cultural Intelligence In the program they describes it as: Cultural Intelligence (CQ) refers to our ability to function effectively across national, ethnic, and even organizational cultural boundaries. Cultural Intelligence involves four interdependent capabilities: Knowledge, Motivation, Interpretation, and Behavior. Improving our CQ makes us better communic

Conference programs grown into phonebook size - 352-page #ALAAC15

After flying for 12 hours, we are now in San Francisco and redy for  ALA Annual Conference . We have been registered and ready to start the inspiring program. See  Verdens mest inspirerende informations- og bibliotekskonference - ALA Annual Conference #ALAAC15  (danish)  This year it has grown into phonebook size. 352-page program ....( explanation for the young ones:  a phone book is a paper book from the old days where you had printed all names and phone numbers in the area) See it yourself  here I just think we spend a couple of hours to put crosses at what we find most exciting.  While we are waiting for today's main event See my  twitter   or the conference hastag  #ALAAC15 Opening General Session with Special Keynote Speaker Roberta Kaplan opens the conference on a high note as part of the conference's Opening General Session, where the ALA President and others welcome you to ALA Annual Conference and set the stage for the coming days. Roberta Kaplan

Verdens mest inspirerende informations- og bibliotekskonference - ALA Annual Conference #ALAAC15

For 6 år siden deltog jeg for første gang i verdens største informations- og bibliotekskonference ALA Annual Conference i Chicargo med 20.000 deltagere . Jeg var ærlig talt rystende nervøs for jeg var nyansat i Danmarks Biblioteksforening og jeg skulle holde oplæg om Redefining the Library in Political Context ... hvor jeg skulle fortælle om hvordan vi i Danmark tænker biblioteket som et politisk projekt, der skal styrke og understøtte demokratiet via adgang til information, læring og kulturel aktivitet, også når det bliver digitalt. Det gik nu ok, og gudskelov var den kun en promille af alle deltagerne der mødte op til netop min event, så vi fik en god debat som godt nok mest kom til at handle om Muhammed tegningerne, men det var ligesom det Danmarks var kendt for overthere . Jeg har haft mulighed for at deltage nogle gange siden og det står for mig som noget af det mest inspirerende jeg har oplevet i min faglige verden. Også nogle af de mest bevægende øjeblikke har det berige

Sustainable development requires free and equal access to information - post-2015 United Nations

Over the past year IFLA has been working with the international library community to develop its position and help ensure that crucial elements such as access to information are included in the  UN post-2015 Development Agenda . Throughout this process, it is important that libraries are seen as being part of the conversation. In Danish Library Association we  also  has worked actively to get "access to information" with the UN post-15 goals. We have written to all the Danish UN delegates, central Danish politicians and officials.   We also have translated the  Lyon Declaration  to danish Læs den på dansk , oversat for Danmarks Biblioteksforening. Status from IFLA are that after many months of negotiations following the conclusion of the United Nations Open Working Group ( OWG ) report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN has now issued a  Zero Draft  which will form the basis for discussion during the UN Summit on the post2015 Development Agenda in Se