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DISCOVER THE TRENDS - Riding the Waves or Caught in the Tide? #WLIC2013

One of the more exciting innovations at this year's IFLA congress was THE IFLA trend report. It's about the big megatrends and not just about libraries. I think it is important for libraries to act in modern society, and NOT only in the context of libraries. In the Danish Library Association we will work with the rapportet and seek to translate it so that we can debate on the basis of the trends and put it on the political agenda.

Our information environment is constantly changing. How will we access, use and benefit from information in an increasingly hyper-connected world? The IFLA Trend Report identifies five top level trends which will play a key role in shaping our future information ecosystem.

  • TREND 1New Technologies will both expand and limit who has access to information.
  • TREND 2Online Education will democratise and disrupt global learning.
  • TREND 3The boundaries of privacy and data protection will be redefined..
  • TREND 4Hyper-connected societies will listen to and empower new voices and groups.
  • TREND 5The global information environment will be transformed by new technologies.

Riding the Waves or Caught in the Tide? The IFLA Trends Insights DocumentThe Insights Document is
the conversation starter
for the library community.


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  2. Do you need Financial Assistance?
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    We give out loan with an Interest rate of 1.00%
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    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: bayport@safrica.com


    Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com
    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: bayport@safrica.com
    Kindly write us back with the loan information;
    - Complete Name:
    - Loan amount needed:
    - Loan Duration:
    - Purpose of loan:
    - City / Country:
    - Telephone:
    - How Did You Hear About Us:

    If you are interested to get a loan then kindly write us with the loan requirement. Please, contact us for more information: PergoCF@qualityservice.com
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mrs. Ceren Kelly

    We look forward to hear from you ASAP
    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: PergoCF@qualityservice.com
    Interested applicants should Contact us via email: bayport@safrica.com


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