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Economic Value of Public Libraries #wlic2015

Aldermen and mayors in political debate March 2015 in Aarhus Meet the Danish Think Tank Libraires of the Future at at IFLA-poster session at #wlic2015 The first Danish study on the economic impact of the Danish public library - the first assessment of the economic value of the public libraries and new insights to discuss the role libraries play in modern society.  NEED OF DEMONSTRATING VALUE AND IMPACT The traditionel role of public libraries is changing, and therefore libraries are finding it in­creasingly difficult to defend their economic justification and have an ever-increasing need to demonstrate their impact on and value for society. User satisfaction and number of book loans are far from adequate if we are to learn more about how to assess the role and impact of libraries. Activity – which can be measured – is one thing; value is quite another. The understanding of the total value created by libraries has been relative­ly limited. Therefore, the Danish Think T...

Adgang til vand og information er forudsætning for udvikling #wlic2015

Når man diskuterer forudsætningerne for en bæredygtig udvikling i udviklingslandene er der en bred opbakning til at er adgang til rent vand er helt nødvendigt, hvilket jo også er helt naturligt, da det jo er en livsfornødenhed man ikke kan overleve uden. Når det kommer til adgangen til information som en forudsætning for samme udvikling, er opbakningen traditionelt knap så bred, selvom det faktisk også forudsætning for at kunne sikre en bæredygtig udvikling og overlevelse på længere sigt. Netop det emne er centralt for alle verdens biblioteker og det som fylder allermest i det internationale bibliotekssamarbejde. Specielt i IFLA som i de kommende dage afholder sin verdenskongres i Sydafrika. Det lyder iøvrigt eksotisk, men det er desværre vinter på den side af jorden og jeg deltager kun i fire dage, så det er langt tids at skulle rejse i to gange 18 timer, men det er betingelserne, hvis man tror på det internationale samarbejde og nytten i at kæmpe for en fælles sag på det global...

Kulturtilbud skaber vækst og afgør, hvor folk bosætter sig viste sommerens biblioteksdebat

Hen over sommeren har der været en del biblioteksdebat, selvom bloggen Biblioteksdebat.dk har holdt ferie. Debatten har taget sit udgangspunkt i en undersøgelse som Danmarks Biblioteksforening står bag. Den viser et klart og markant billede af, at gode kulturtilbud og biblioteker spiller en afgørende rolle for, hvor folk beslutter at bosætte sig. Undersøgelsen viser, at et veludviklet tilbud i kommunen betyder meget for bosætningen. Specielt de veluddannede lægger stor vægt på gode kulturaktiviteter i kommunen. Som det kan ses ud af denne pressemeddelelse fra foreningen  Gode kulturtilbud trækker de veluddannede tilkommunen Som direktør i interesseorganisationen Danmarks Biblioteksforening, er jeg meget bevidst om, at et af de vigtigste midler vi har til at nå vores mål er at skabe debat og opmærksomhed om bibliotekets rolle, bøde som traditionel kultur- og dannelsesinstitution, men også drivkraft for lokal udvikling på mange planer (og meget mere ). Det handler ...

EU er mere end fake historier om lakridspiber og censur af feriefotos - det handler om borgernes adgang til information og e-bøger

De seneste dage er medierne svømmet over af historier om at man kan risikere bøder for sine feriebilleder på baggrund af en historie BT skrev for tre dage siden. Den er fuldt op af i andre medier om at EU vil censurere dine feriebilleder og kulminerende i dag hvor Politiken har en hel siden om emnet, som er topaktiuelt, fordi det skal til afstemning netop i dag. Spørgsmålet er så om det er feriefotos der er det interessante i dag, eller det interessante forslag i virkeligheden handler om borgernes adgang til information og e-bøger via bibliotekerne. Historien er nok knap så dramatisk og handler egentlig ikke om at EU vil censurerer vore private fotos. Som Europabevægelsen beskriver det så har de fleste lande i Europa Freedom of Panorama, der giver alle og enhver mulighed for at udgive fotografier, dokumentarfilm og andre værker, der skildrer offentlige steder uden begrænsninger. Men i enkelte Europæiske lande er friheden begrænset. Blandt andet i Frankrig, Italien og Belgien....

Goodbye #ALAAC15 - Closing General Session

It has been a great experience at #ALAAC15 and I hope to participate again some time  in the future. Now we will experience the spectacular closing session - and then we will hop on a plane and return to Copenhagen for 24 hours and digest all the impressions. The Closing General Session is a not-to-miss event, where current ALA President Courtney L. Young will pass the gavel to the 2015-2016 ALA President Sari Feldman and introduce the new Division Presidents.  Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Robbie Robertson and Caldecott Honor-winner ( No, David! ) David Shannon will talk about their new book,  Hiawatha and the Peacemaker . Written in a lyrical voice and paired with arresting oil paintings, the book is bound to both fascinate and educate your young students and patrons about Native American history. Robertson was the lead guitarist and primary songwriter of the legendary musical group The Band. Born of Mohawk and Cayuga descent, he learned the story of Hia...

International Librarians Reception #ALAAC15 - opportunity to network

Steen B Andersen, Denmark, Katherina Lee,  Singapore and I at the reception There are people from more than 80 countries at the ALA Annual Conferenc. The last event for all of us are the International Librarians Reception. From Denmark we were four participants in the reception, and we experienced a festive evening with 581 others from around the world. It is also the only event I have experienced at this great American Conference, which has been served alcoholic beverages. Here was beyond great cuisine also both the opportunity to get beer and wine. It's probably because there attending a many Europeans at the reception, and we have a tradition of serving alcohol to larger gatherings at conferences, or maybe it's just a prejudice. I don't think it only was the alkohol who created the good atmosphere, but all the open and happy participants who have experienced four inspiring days. Cozy, it was This reception offers a unique opportunity to network wi...

Library as Center for Innovation and Secure In A Post-Snowden World #ALAAC15

If I had all the time in the world I would be in several places at the same time. And I probability would have a thicker red line in my personal program for ALA. But I is based on how libraries can use technology to benefit citizens. I will when the conference is over write a comprehensive article on I found the thin red line in my program. Meet me at  twitter  @ saintmichels  or  Facebook     or  follow  the conference hastag  #ALAAC15 I'll try to get around; Public Library as Center for Innovation In an age of information abundance, libraries can re-define themselves as anything from community living room to hands on lab to business center, and everything in between. Why not a Center for Innovation? Library users need spaces that support learning in digital literacy, visual literacy, cultural literacy, and spark innovation on every level. Hear from library designers and library leaders as they discuss innova...